  时间:2024-05-18 07:21:20










Inscription on Offering Pure Unaltered Cherry Blossoms to the Respected Scholar Lian Cang

Cherry blossoms, as a part of Chinese traditional culture, represent beauty, purity, and the beauty of life. In China, the blooming of cherry blossoms is often seen as a symbol of spring, welcoming a warm season and symbolizing hope and new beginnings. Cherry blossoms hold a special significance in the hearts of Chinese people, who hold them in reverence and fondness. However, for the esteemed scholar Lian Cang, cherry blossoms are not only a symbol, but also a valuable resource and subject of study.

Lian Cang is a scholar dedicated to the study of cherry blossoms, and his fascination with them has spanned several decades. He holds high standards for the purity of cherry blossoms, believing that only pure and unaltered cherry blossoms possess true research value. Therefore, Lian Cang has devoted himself to preserving the purity of cherry blossoms, ensuring they are not influenced or altered by external factors.

As a plant and a part of nature, cherry blossoms possess strong vitality and authenticity. However, with the increasing activities of humans, the threats faced by cherry blossoms are also on the rise. Urbanization has led to continuous land development, limiting the living space of cherry blossoms. Additionally, environmental pollution, climate change, and diseases have had noticeable impacts on the growth and reproduction of cherry blossoms. Lian Cang is well aware of these issues and has proposed a series of solutions in his research.

Firstly, Lian Cang advocates for the protection of natural environments, particularly the habitats on which cherry blossoms depend. He calls for reduced land development, preserving the growth space for cherry blossoms. He also emphasizes the harm of environmental pollution on cherry blossoms and advocates for reduced emission of pollutants and improved air quality, to ensure the healthy growth of cherry blossoms.

Secondly, Lian Cang advocates for ecological and genetic research on cherry blossoms, to gain a better understanding of their growth and reproductive mechanisms. He believes that only by deeply understanding the biological characteristics of cherry blossoms can their purity be better protected. He encourages relevant institutions to enhance research efforts, establishing databases and genetic resource banks for cherry blossom preservation, providing more resources and support for cherry blossom study.

Lastly, Lian Cang calls for public participation in cherry blossom preservation. He hopes that people can increase their awareness and protection of cherry blossoms through activities such as visiting cherry blossom gardens, understanding cherry blossom culture, and participating in tree planting events. He believes that through collective efforts, the purity of cherry blossoms can be better protected.

Offering pure and unaltered cherry blossoms to the respected scholar Lian Cang signifies support for and protection of cherry blossom studies. Through Lian Cang's efforts, the purity of cherry blossoms will be better safeguarded, and the inheritance of cherry blossom culture will be strengthened. It is believed that in the future, more like-minded individuals will join Lian Cang in the cause of cherry blossom preservation, jointly striving to protect this precious resource.

Anna Fiamora
连载中 已更新到第36集



回复 巧克力熔岩 :与其说(shuō )这片子致敬打工人,不如说这片子致力于讨好(🈸)打工人观(🔩)众吧。无能狂怒(♏)的硕士副总与没学历有能力的底层打工仔满足底层观众学历无用论的想象,残疾人(rén )、三和大神(🐅)、单亲妈(mā )妈、刑满释放(🕍)人员(yuán ),用身份写戏给人(rén )偷懒敷衍的感觉(📲),因为写(🥩)出(🗞)来的只有身份(fèn )没有人,连看似(sì )大篇(❤)幅描写的主角也是面目模糊,一个一心要救妹妹的好人,没有矛盾挣扎,没有前因后果,反正就是要救(jiù ),然(🕕)后因为他人好别人就(jiù )都要帮他,最后实现了跨越阶层的逆袭,一部(🧗)披着写实皮的爽文电影(⌚)(yǐng )。



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回复 以思为粮 :One of my best movie till now.

